We arrive, Chris and I, to Hawkswick. It's looking good, gliders in the air.
Up we go to the cliff top, perfect launch and we are off, First thermal is a good one. It's blue and the air feels the same as yesterday. That's a good thing. Yippee.
Off I go, flying slowly, Chris is catching up.
Over Buckden Pike, nothing to be found. Quick over the valley to the south facing slopes. Yikes maybe I went too early. Bang, up I go. Chris is catching up. We get high wingtip to wingtip. Giggles all round. Radio chatter announces it's not so great on Stags fell, it's good here.
Over Wensleydale Grommit. Over to Nappa Scar, Chris goes left a bit - what's he doing? Finding the climb. Up he goes, over I go. We're up and off into Swaledale. We're lined up for goal in Northumberland. But that's hours away and we've got to cross Moordoor first.
We split up a bit, I commit to the moors, Chris takes it easy. I regret pushing on but then boom, up in the boonies near Tan hill. Can see the walkers on the Pennine way. Over the A66, reservoirs mark the way. Getting a bit low in no mans land, take a slow climb. Chris is catching up again. Can hear a gaggle on it's way from Stags. Could do with some company it's blue and lonely out here.
In Teasdale now, Over Middleton. South facing moors got to work. Over I go. Find the darkest bowly-est bit. Sweaty palms. Big walk out here. Where is it? Seriously guys. Boom. Hoovered up. Best climb of the day. Zeno is writhing around chuntering at me and somehow holding it together. I'm hanging on, easy girl. Thanks Ozone. Over here Chris. If only I could use the radio right now. First cloud of the day is above. Hello. 6600ft now. Wow. It's warm. Remember I have jelly babies. Yum. Chris has landed. No. Now I'm all alone.
I'm off. Airspace to think about. It's going to work but be tight. Over Stanhope, Climb again. Tyne Valley ahead. Keep high. Squeak round the airspace where the clouds are. Tyne valley is lush green. Not what I need. No more dry dark angry moors. Find a quarry and some scrub. Get the climb. Goal is on. 11 to 1. 25km tailwind. I'm off.
Out of the Tyne valley back into forest and Moor. It's rough and getting windier. Yikes, better take care. Thermals are rough but height is my friend so up I go. A thermal in the Cheviots, how very rare. Quick left turn and get goal, then off downwind. 70km/hr at trim. Too windy for the hills, I'll go to the flats.
Still windy and I'm getting low. Don't like the look of the high ground ahead. Find a landing. Actually I've got some forward speed. Now it's turbulent. I'm climbing. OK go on then. Back to four grand. Sorry mate more work to do yet. Over the last moor. Can see the sea. Holy Island and the Farne Islands. Hello Mr Puffin and Mr Seal. Castles, Viking invasions it's all there. Soak it all up mate you'll soon be down.
Time to land. No sea breeze. Find a a massive field. Come down vertically. Smooth. Feet on the earth. Good job.
Gary picks me up in the van, Thanks Gary! Into Newcastle, pissed up party-goers looking at the sweaty weird guy with the big pack. East coast main line back to Leeds. Home by 10. Nice cup of Tea, thanks Morag. 165km across the North with some fabric and string. Is this for real?